Monday, December 27, 2010

Technology solutions for Indian conditions ...

Introduction of green energy solutions hits a number of road blocks:

1. While roaming in rural Tamilnadu, I found that each and every one of the Solar PV based street lights near Tirukkurungudi had been broken by some rogues, possibly just for fun.

2. BMP, Bangalore to take it slowly on LED lighting on roads to reduce lakhs of rupees spent on electricity bills. Reason: Theft of the lightings in its first trial run in one of the Bengaluru roads. (Indian Express Bangalore Edition)

3. Solar lighting, heating solutions are facing problems in the Naxal hit Bastar. Largely by thieves and sometimes naxals themselves stealing. (Indian Express)

Sitting in a cozy place can get wonderful technology solutions, but we have to build/recognize ways to make these solutions to realize their potential, by making them robust to such random interferences.

Any thoughts/suggestions ?