Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The Bliss of Darkness ....

There is darkness all around me,
As I stand still under tall canopies,
With the moon hiding behind the clouds,
Those clouds that pour down these days.
The gushing sound of the wild stream,
Gives a wonderful background score.

Through the dark thickets of flora,
Emerge tens of little twinkling lights,
It feels like I'm floating in the sky,
As the twinkles move around near me,
I realize that I'm still on ground,
And those are called 'fireflies'.

I trudge along quietly and down,
Towards the artificial lights,
For I have to get back to sleep,
But I can always come back here,
To this Bliss of darkness so close,
For I'm still within IITB campus.

-- Written after some mind-filled minutes on the darkened road between Library/Syscon and Hostel-1 Approach road, at 3 AM.


Iman Mukherjee said...

I'll miss this campus :(

Iman Mukherjee said...
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